Bio Eden Major
and other products
Bio Eden Major
and other products
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OKT. 19.
We became organic market vendors - interview on the website of the Hungarian Organic Culture Association
“Like a scratch-off lottery ticket: the buyer gets what they pay for, but if they're lucky, there'll also be an XL size in the box” – interview with Gábor Szokolai

JÚL. 23.
Perfect use of nature's treasures
We had a visit from Garuda, so an article was born 🙂

JAN. 20.
Free-range Organic meat hybrid control group!
Greetings to all poultry keepers and consumers! Our farm has agreed with Bábolna Tetra, and this year 200 HB Color free-range hybrids will be introduced to our farm. Their performance can be tracked on Facebook. (Bábolna HB Color bio) Their feeding under ecological conditions is carried out with full-value feed mixtures from Éden Major HU-ÖKO-01, which fully comply with the breed's technological recommendations. Our goal is to establish the foundation for a Hungarian organic poultry product brand, so that affordable, chemical-free, GMO-free organic eggs and organic poultry meat can also be available on Hungarian families' tables. We can support one farmer per county with discounted feed prices and free delivery, and we are ready to provide all our professional and business experience to build the market.
JAN. 20.
Free-range Organic laying hybrid control group!
Greetings to all poultry keepers and consumers! Our farm has agreed with Bábolna Tetra, and this year 200 Harco breed free-range hybrids will be introduced to our farm. Their performance can be tracked on Facebook. (Bábolna Harco bio) Their feeding under ecological conditions is carried out with full-value feed mixtures from Éden Major HU-ÖKO-01, which fully comply with the breed's technological recommendations. Our goal is to establish the foundation for a Hungarian organic poultry product brand, so that affordable, chemical-free, GMO-free organic eggs and organic poultry meat can also be available on Hungarian families' tables. We can support one farmer per county with discounted feed prices and free delivery, and we are ready to provide all our professional and business experience to build the market.
DEC. 20.
Éden Major organic feed in the development of domestic ecological livestock farming.
AUG. 17.
The former foreign legionnaire became a farmer in Tiszakécske
How does a former foreign legionnaire become a truck driver and then a farmer? Take a tour with us in the Éden Major!
– The interview by nlc.
About Us
Éden Major Organic Farming
With the launch of Éden Major organic farming, an old dream that began in 2016 has come true. On our farm near Tiszakécske, we are engaged in plant cultivation, egg production, and animal husbandry. Meeting the criteria for organic certification has been a primary goal from the beginning, for all sectors. Obtaining and maintaining the certifications proves that our small farm complies with the regulations across its entire area. The inspections are carried out by Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. every year. During the process of biological plant protection and variety selection, we received significant help from the advisor Gyöngyvér Székely.

The farming system established at the major follows an ecological cycle based on permaculture principles. The name comes from the fact that during the establishment of our farm, we took into account the basics of permaculture thinking. In the case of organic farming, this is implemented by avoiding monoculture; instead, the variety of plants living on the farm is very diverse. This meant that during the planting of our hundred fruit trees, a maximum of four specimens per variety were placed. The planning of the plant culture and economic buildings was carried out with the help of Béla Baji. Additionally, the composted stable manure of the animals serves as nourishment for our plants. Therefore, the difference between us and "simple" organic farming is that our organic farming also follows a permaculture approach. For those interested in the topic, we would like to recommend the two most frequently used literature:
Organic feeds
By leveraging the experience gained in animal husbandry and feeding over the past two years, we established the Éden Major Organic Feed Mixing Plant. We have built connections with Hungarian organic farmers, and by supporting each other, we strive to bridge the current gap in the European chemical-free organic market.
Our fundamental idea is that certified organic poultry (organic eggs, organic breeding eggs, organic chicks, pre-raised organic poultry) and feed, feed mixtures certified for their keeping, as well as herbal veterinary products usable in organic animal husbandry, can be obtained from our farm. By achieving all this, Hungarian organic eggs, poultry, and feed will become available nationwide in the future. We are open to and intend to produce feed for other livestock as well, even based on individual recipes. For the next season, the procurement of chick starter and rearing organic feed from foreign markets is in progress.
Organic Livestock Farming
On our farm, we keep Gyimes Racka sheep and a large number of Baranya local breed poultry.
Recognizing the outstanding quality of organic eggs and receiving positive feedback, egg production has become a main focus in the life of our farm. Our goal is to enable customers who prefer certified foods and choose a more conscious lifestyle to obtain organic eggs at affordable prices directly from Hungarian producers.
We were unable to procure certified chicks and pre-raised chickens in the Hungarian organic market, so we created the next generation by reproducing our own stock. Simultaneously, our farm's stock has been listed as the only certified organic holder on the map of Baranya local breed chicken keepers.
Due to the increase in the number of poultry living at the major, we encountered serious obstacles in sourcing additional feed at a domestic level. Procuring organic-certified feed grains in smaller quantities is extremely challenging, and mixed feed is not available.
Regulatory Authorities

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